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What Is Business Process Modeling?

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Today, we’re talking about Business Process Modeling. Read this article to know how to increase work efficiency by 60%.

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What is Business Process Modeling?

Business Process Modeling (BPM) aims to capture processes and interactions between different departments and identify unresolved issues and bottlenecks.

Business Process Model Structure

We can think of the process model as levels with a hierarchical structure that classifies all the organization’s processes to make it easier to optimize the results.

  • Mega process that forms the core value
  • Major process that represents a collection of sub processes
  • Sub process
  • Activity
  • Task which is performed to complete an activity.

Business Process Modeling tools and techniques

#1 Role Activity Diagrams

They are commonly used to denote intangible roles or behaviors desired in a company.

#2 Flowchart Technique

Flowcharts demonstrate the stages of a process in sequential order from input into the specific process to output.

#3 Data Flow Diagrams

They visualize how information moves from one place to another.

#4 Role Interaction Diagrams

These models demonstrate the interaction of various processes with each other in the system. There are two types of diagrams: Sequence diagrams and Collaboration diagrams.

#5 Gantt Charts

They show the total time spent on the project better than other options and track the project timeline.

#6 Colored Petri Nets

They categorize or highlight users, roots and complex workflow steps.

#7 Pert Charts

They not only show the critical path to be followed to achieve results but also help you define a realistic time frame for the process.

#8 UML Activity Diagram

Actually, it was created for the visualization, documentation and specification of software systems but now it is adapted to model business processes.

#9 Business Process Modeling Notation

It allows organizations to describe procedures using a generic, easy to understand, visual illustration of steps.

What are the benefits of Business Process Modeling?

  • Workflow optimization: BPM allows streamlining processes by up to 50% percent in 2-4 days.
  • It improves collaboration by 60%
  • 65% of survey respondents see improvement in customer experience
  • BPM provides higher efficiency as cycle time is reduced by 50%.

How do you create a business process model?

#1 Preparation

Define the process to be modeled in your business operation, clarify who or what is doing each stage.

#2 Creation of the model as such

Begin by including the start point to illustrate the process, after determining each subsequent stage involving solutions in between, arrange those in order, track a real business process and collate it into your model.

#3 Designing the future model

Determine how to fix problems in the model as is transforming the proposed improvements into stages and place them in the previous model, implementing the newest model. Even slight improvements and processes help organizations operate more efficiently and give them a competitive edge, it makes Business Process Modeling important.

This article was prepared by the EZtek team. EZtek helps top brands worldwide to innovate and accelerate digital transformation. We provide world-class enterprise software engineering, design and technology consulting services.


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