Go Development Services

Go is an open-source programming language created by Google in 2007, with Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson as its developers.
Google faced challenges with slower and more complex languages like C++, prompting the creation of Go. This new language aimed to be easy to learn, fast, capable of handling large infrastructures like databases and networks, and easy to troubleshoot.
Released to the public in 2012, Go has gained popularity, with 32 percent of experienced developers preferring it, according to a HackerEarth survey. Major companies like Facebook, Uber, Dropbox, Intel, and HP also use Go.
To determine if Go is right for your project, let’s explore its benefits, applications, and how to outsource Go development to the appropriate team.

Advantages of Go Language

Static typing

Go employs static typing, meaning any errors in a script must be fixed before compilation. Developers benefit from early error notifications, enabling quick and easy corrections before compiling.

Built-in garbage collection

Go features a built-in garbage collector that automatically releases unused memory, resulting in faster and more compatible applications. Its reduced CPU usage allows it to run on various systems, broadening accessibility.


Go is a compiled language, directly translating scripts into machine code for execution. This approach, unlike interpreted languages, enhances execution speed, albeit requiring a compiler for proper execution.


Go introduces Goroutines, special functions capable of independent and simultaneous execution alongside other Goroutines. This feature enables the handling of multiple tasks without conflicts, similar to threads in other languages but with lesser CPU usage and improved performance.


Go stands out as one of the easiest programming languages to learn, especially for developers familiar with Python or C. Its minimalistic rules streamline learning, allowing developers to retain essential knowledge without constant external references. Additionally, the clear official documentation and abundant third-party resources aid in skill development and knowledge retention.

What Are The Uses of Go?

As mentioned earlier, Go is utilized in various businesses such as Google, Uber, Twitch, and Dailymotion. Some common applications of Go include:
  • Cloud-based and server-side applications
  • Artificial intelligence and data science
  • Robotics
  • Video games
  • DevOps and site automation

How to Outsource Your Go Development

Do you have a new application idea or need assistance with updating an existing one? Whether it’s building from scratch or scaling up, finding the right Go development team for outsourcing is crucial.

Look for a team that:
  • Communicates effectively
  • Has relevant experience in similar projects
  • Offers customized solutions within your budget
  • Provides necessary labor, services, and resources without unnecessary additions
  • Has experience in your industry
  • Is available to start promptly, minimizing project downtime
Most importantly, choose a Go development team that offers ongoing support post-launch to maximize your custom Go application’s benefits.
If these qualities match your criteria, reach out to our experts at EZtek Software.

For a free, no-obligation quote on our outsourced Go development services, contact EZtek Software today.

Let’s get in touch

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0918 653 003



60 Nui Thanh Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam