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React Native vs Flutter | Is Flutter The Future?

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Today we’re talking about React Native vs Flutter. Is Flutter going to replace React Native? Let’s find out!


Flutter is an open-source mobile software development kit created by Google. The framework is used to build cross-platform apps for the web, mobile and desktop using a single code base.
Would you like to find out more about Flutter, we have an in-depth article on Flutter development, read it!

React Native

React Native is an open source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop natively rendering cross-platform mobile and web applications.

Key differences between these two frameworks

Programming Language

Flutter’s code base is written in the Dart language – a new object-oriented language created by Google. In contrast, React Native uses Javascript.

Technical Architecture

React Native’s architecture relies on the Javascript bridge used to communicate with the native modules. Flutter has most of the components inbuilt and does not always need the bridge to interact with native modules.


Well, Flutter is the definite winner in this case. It is compiled into the native arm code, which increases the speed of development and running time.

Design and Graphics

Here, the frameworks use completely different approaches.

  • React Native renders native components like buttons, menus, navigation bars for each platform. These components look slightly different on iOS and Android. They are updated together with the UI of the OS.
  • Flutter apps have the same code base, that’s why they look the same despite the OS or device.

Time to market

Flutter wins the race here. Flutter developers write one code base that covers multiple platforms. React Native engineers usually build different apps with native elements for different platforms.

Reliability and Support

Well, both frameworks were created by the leading technology companies that used them to design their own apps. Therefore, both of them are well maintained and backed by huge communities.
So, speaking of compatibility, Flutter supports Android 4.1+ or iOS 8+ while React Native works with Android 4.1+ and iOS 10+.

App features

Unlike React Native, Flutter has many plugins developed by the Google team. For example: geolocation and mapping. While Flutter is perfect for apps with continuous tracking, React Native unfortunately works well mostly with a one-time location.

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Flutter allows deploying apps using the command line interface, React Native doesn’t have an integrated tool for this. It supports third-party CI/CD services like Fastlane,Gitlab CI/CD, Github Actions and Microsoft Appcenter.

Which framework is more popular?

Based on statista’s 2021 developer survey, Flutter is preferred by 42% of developers, which makes it the most popular cross-platform framework. React Natives gained only 38% of the community ops.


Here, Flutter beats React Native as well. Having 131.000 stars in October 2021 on Github while React Native received only 98.800 stars in October 2021.

Top apps by Flutter

  • Google Ads
  • Hamilton
  • Alibaba
  • Ebay
  • Perfectly
  • Top line

Top apps by React Native

  • Instagram
  • Skype
  • Walmart
  • Shopify
  • Tesla
  • Salesforce

When to use React Native?

  • Your project is expected to be large and deeply rooted.
  • You plan to reuse code for a web app and a desktop app.
  • Your app requires multiple interactions with an OS.
  • The project requires rare little known native libraries.

When to use Flutter?

  • You need to create an MVP in a short period.
  • Your app is UI centered.
  • Your app requires custom communication via bluetooth.
  • Your app requires unified design across all platforms.

This article was prepared by the EZtek team. EZtek helps top brands worldwide to innovate and accelerate digital transformation. We provide world-class enterprise software engineering, design and technology consulting services.


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