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Kubernetes vs Docker Comparison

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Kubernetes vs Docker

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? Which of these technologies is the best? The Docker and Kubernetes debate is quite popular among the people who work with software containers.

You are on the EZtek’s Blog channel and we’re excited to share our thoughts on recent developments. Today, we’re comparing Kubernetes and Docker. Keep reading to know which of these technologies our team recommends to choose.

In this article, we’re going to explore:

  • What Docker and Kubernetes are?
  • Why do people use them?
  • What is the difference between them?
  • Can they work together?

But first, let’s dive a little deeper into the primary technology that brings these two technologies together.


A container is a logical subdivision where you can run applications isolated from the rest of the system.

What is Docker?

Docker is a containerization framework. It automates the deployment of applications and containers that are lightweight and portable. The technology behind Docker comprises two major components, such as the client command line interface tool – CLI and the container runtime. The purpose of the CLI tool is to execute directives to the Docker runtime at the command line while the Docker runtime creates containers and runs them on the OS.

Docker is used for:

  • Proxy requests to and from the containers
  • Managing container lifecycle
  • Monitoring and log all container activity
  • Mounting shared directories
  • Putting resource limits on containers
  • Building images using the Docker file format
  • Pushing and pulling images from registries.


It’s a powerful tool that groups containers that support Microservice or single application into a pod. The apps running in Kubernetes act like a single unit although they may consist of some containers paired loosely. Pods, containers and services are hosted within a cluster of one or many computers. Kubernetes runs over a number of computers or notes. The collection of nodes is known as a Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes is used for:

  • Auto-scaling: Kubernetes can adapt automatically to changing tasks
  • Rollouts: Kubernetes supports automated rollouts and rollbacks
  • PODs: They are logical groups of containers that share resources like memory, CPU, storage and network.
  • Self-healing: It monitors and restarts containers if they break down.
  • Load balancing: Requests are allocated to pods that are available.
  • Storage orchestration: A user is able to mount the network storage system as a local file system.
  • Configuration management and secrets: that allows all classified information to be kept under a module named secrets in Kubernetes.

Docker and Kubernetes Comparison

Now that you know what Docker and Kubernetes are, it’s safe to say that these two different technologies were created to work together. With that in mind, take a look at the differences:

  • Docker is used for packing and shipping your application. The purpose of Kubernetes is to deploy and scale applications.
  • Kubernetes was created to run across a cluster while Docker runs on a single node
  • Docker can be used on its own without Kubernetes but to orchestrate, Kubernetes actually needs a container runtime.

Although Kubernetes and Docker are different technologies, bringing these two frameworks together will ensure a well-integrated platform for container deployment, management and orchestration at scale. Do you already use at least one of them?

This Blog was prepared by the EZtek team. We helped top brands worldwide to innovate and accelerate digital transformation. We share the latest news about tech trends and innovations. So, make sure to follow us not to miss a single article.


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