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How To Make A Mobile App | Tech Stack For Mobile App Development

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Today, we are talking about tech stack for mobile app development. Read this article to get a full list of tools and technologies you will need. On our channel, we share thoughts on recent developments in the tech industry. Follow us not to miss new articles.

Choosing the right technology stack will future-proof your software and support your business’s growth.

Read further to learn about different tech stacks for mobile development and how to pick the best one based on EZtek’s experience.

Let’s have a look at the most widely used tech stacks for Android and IOS development. Actually, your choice depends on the approach as you go. Will it be Native, Hybrid app development or Cross-platform development?

Native Development

It means that an application is built for the specific device platform. Either IOS or Android?

Android Tech Stack

The programming languages to use are Java or Kotlin. Java is the most popular programming language. However, now Kotlin is Google’s preferred language for android app development. If you’re starting a new project, you should write in Kotlin. Code written in Kotlin often means much less code for you, less code to type, test and maintain.


You will need Android developer tools and Android studio.

  • The android software developer kit consists of libraries, APIs, a debugger, a handset emulator and sample projects with source code.
  • Android studio is a unified development environment. It provides an intelligent

IOS Tech Stack

Your programming language here is either Swift or Objective-C.

  • Objective-C is a strict superset of C language. Now, developers use it if they need to support an already existing project.
  • Swift was originally created as a replacement for C based languages. It can be considered a faster and more efficient language.

We would recommend choosing Swift over Objective-C.


IOS SDK gives developers access to various functions of IOS devices. The apple app development industry has earned a reputation as one of the most consistently innovative industries in the world. Do you prefer IOS or Android?

What about Hybrid App Development?

Hybrid apps are a blend of both native and web solutions. They function like websites but run from within a native application and its embedded browser.

Your tech stack here can include standard web techniques like HTML, CSS or Javascript. You’d also need programming frameworks like Apache Cordova and Ionic.

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova is commonly known as PhoneGap. The framework embeds codes into a special native wrapper that can access the device’s functions. This creates a native shell application.


Apache Cordova is commonly known as PhoneGap. The framework embeds codes into a special native wrapper that can access the device’s functions. This creates a native shell application.

Cross-platform App Development

This is a process of creating software applications that run on multiple mobile platforms.
Cross-platform tech stack has the following options:

React Native

Which is a Javascript framework created by Facebook for developing natively rendered mobile applications for IOS, Android and Web. It provides a faster and high performance development process. React is considered the most effective option because of a broader approval and mature presence in the market.


Xamarin is commonly believed to be closest to native. Another benefit is that with Xamarin, you can share up to 96% of code across platforms.


Flutter is Google’s UI software development kit. Flutter contains fully customizable sets of widgets that implement Google and IOS design and provide full native performance. App development with Flutter is Speedy and Robust.

By the way, if you are curious about top apps built with Flutter framework, read the article that we have prepared!

So, your choice of technology stack depends entirely on the type of mobile application. The EZtek team recommends analyzing industry-specific requirements. Most importantly, consult with your development team before starting the development process.

This article was prepared by EZtek. We provide software development, UI/ UX design and testing services to top brands worldwide.


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