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AR For Business – Benefits And Applications

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Today, we are talking about Augmented Reality, read this article to know about the benefits of Augmented Reality for business. On our Blog channel, we share thoughts on recent developments in the tech industry.

What is AR?

Augmented Reality can be defined as a technology that can offer an interactive experience of the real world environment, that delivers enhanced computer-generated perceptual information. The total consumer download of Augmented Reality applications worldwide is predicted to reach over 5.5 billion by 2022.

Top applications for Augmented Reality technology at present and in coming years include:

  • Digital marketing
  • E-commerce
  • Retail and shopping
  • Educational and learning resources
  • Geo-location and navigational services
  • Integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Smartphone applications.

What is the power of Augmented Reality for Business?

Engaging Customers

Augmented Reality will deliver a playground effect for customers and provide creativity in the purchase journey. An example here is the IKEA place app.

Design and Modeling

Certainly, AR can help businesses in developing designs and workable models for their products. For instance, Autodesk 3D design software offers compatibility with Microsoft Hololens AR technology.

Industrial and Manufacturing

  • Simplifying assembly line work and operations
  • Effective and efficient maintenance of equipment
  • Enhancing the productivity of workers
  • Lowering operational costs
  • Carrying out quality assurance.

Logistics and Supply chain

  • Accessing quick information for precise planning
  • Optimizing shipments and the delivery process
  • Keeping personnel safety and security in check
  • Improving the efficiency of storage use with AR visualization
  • Improving freight loading and unloading.

Repair and Maintenance

  • Reducing human errors and execution time
  • Increasing workers productivity
  • Providing real-time access to data for monitoring and analytics
  • Giving remote assistance through detailed instructions for unfamiliAR procedures.

Training and Educating

Employees as AR apps provide safer learning conditions while mimicking real world environments and situations.

Real AR Examples

Entertainment Industry

  • AR Games: Brickscape; Harry Potter; Wizards Unite; Ingress Prime; Jurassic World Alive.
  • AR Applications: BBC Civilizations AR; Froggipedia; Mundley; Sketch AR.
  • Face filters and Augmented Reality picture applications.
  • Augmented Reality promotional Ads.
  • AR instructions for board games and building block toys.

Classroom Education

AR apps provide engaging and immersive learning experiences, they make boring tasks much more exciting. The examples here are Anatomy 4D and Elements 4D applications.

Medical Training

As a result, it helps to lead to better outcomes in patient care, provide enhanced learning opportunities and decrease the amount needed to practice.

Military Training

AR and VR enable advanced simulation technologies that will incorporate some gaming elements and features into military training. For example, the US army synthetic training environment team is currently developing a massive program based on virtual reality under the direct guidance of the US army acquisition support center.

Travel and Tourism

Companies in this industry are gradually employing AR to improve their visitors’ experience. The hub hotel from Premier Inn for instance, is a British resort that offers wall maps in its hotel rooms that are compatible with Augmented Reality apps. When viewed through a smartphone, these maps provide additional information that is valuable for travelers and tourists.
As you can see, Augmented Reality and its application for businesses are on the rise.

This article was prepared by the EZtek team. EZtek helps top brands worldwide to innovate and accelerate digital transformation. We provide world-class enterprise software engineering, design and technology consulting services.


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